
Coastal CMS




Coastal CMS - 2023 Wrap Up

2023- New Opportunities with an old partner

2023 - A new partnership with Thinkenomics LLC

The highlight of 2023 was working, through a consulting agreement, with RK Rand, LLC in support of contracts with Oklahoma University for development of strategic plans for various institutes and centers. Our relationships with RK Rand, LLC, and Thinkenomics LLC, in place since since 2017, continue to provide rewarding projects and have been the highlight of the year. We look forward to additional projects in 2024.

For all our long term clients, we continue to provide the best support possible. The lastest improvements to our Content Management System have been implemented across all servers and continue to provide reliable operation. Our up-time in 2023 was a remarkable 100%. 

Another successful year for Coastal CMS.

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Coastal CMS - 2022 Wrap Up

2022- Going strong and taking care of business!

2022 15 Years in business - supporting our community of clients.

Our commitment to client satisfaction has been the driving force behind our success this year. We firmly believe that our clients' triumphs are our own, and this philosophy has guided us throughout every project. By deeply understanding our clients' goals, we continue to tailor our solutions to meet their specific needs and exceed their expectations. The positive feedback and long-lasting partnerships we've cultivated along the way have been the ultimate validation of our dedication.

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Coastal CMS - 2021 Wrap Up

2021- Another great year for Coastal CMS.

2021 brought a New Chapter for our Web Design Company - transition from Pursuing Growth to a Steady Sate.

Change is an inevitable part of any business's journey. This year we made a significant transition within our web design company. After years of pursuing growth and expansion, we are shifting gears and embracing a steady state approach to better serve our long term clients.  This strategic decision allows focus on quality, innovation, and the deepening of our existing client relationships.  Our main objective is to ensure a consistent and reliable experience for our clients.  As the owner, I have achieved everything I imagined for Coastal CMS and now wish to preserve this business and the core mission of helping small business owners navigate a constantly changing web environment.  To all our long term clients and friends, you can look forward to the same level of support we have always provided. 

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Coastal CMS - 2020 Wrap Up

2020 Was a significant year for Coastal CMS.

2020 was a Great year for Coastal CMS.  New clients, new sites, and new partnerships filled the year with exciting projects.  The updates to a new Content Management System were completed for all our clients and I'm happy to say that everything worked out as we expected and the sites are all running much more efficiently than ever before.  We look forward to a great 2021, with new opportunities and  continuing partnership successes.  

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Coastal CMS - 2019 Wrap Up

2019 Was a significant year for Coastal CMS.

2019 was a return to growth year for our company.  After a few years of heavy commitments to the USAF, we returned to our core business of finding and supporting new small business and non-profit clients.  There were many significant changes in the digital world significant to small business during 2019.  This resulted in an upgrade of our core content management system (CMS) and new services.  During the last quarter of 2019 we began deployment with existing clients and have plans to complete all client upgrades by the end of the first quarter of 2020.  We look forward to a great 2020, with new clients, new services, and continuing parternership successes.  

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